During my first week I have had the pleasure of learning how to incorporate my new eating practice with the real world... the dreaded potluck at work......duhduh duh.......
I am glad to report that it was not all bad. I made sure I brought something that I would be able to eat, summer sausage and cheese. I also went ahead and just brought myself a lunch that followed the meal plan. It was a good thing because there was a ton of carbs, and most of them were some favorites... more specifically, carrot cake! I do have to admit it was a bit difficult with trying to shake the feelings of being left out... which is not correct. It was just my brain trying to tell me that if I wanted to participate, I need to eat everything in site. And this is just not correct. It was nice have a fellow coworker/friend that is also eating healthier with a similar diet plan (south beach)... so we laughed about all the stuff we wanted to just devour, but knew in the long run we would be doing ourselves no good if we went with our impulses.
So I ate my sausage and cheese as a snack when setting up the food for the dinner, and then later that night I just ate my lunch that I brought with me. I was able to grab some veggies from the veggie tray that was brought by someone else, which I added to my salad.
Oh yeah...bringing my own lunch has been saving me some money...which a awesome additional side effect of this whole diet thing....
Next obstacle.... going to dinner and then to the bar tomorrow night with friends.... I'm a bit scared, I won't lie.
Keep it up...at least you are not forceing your self into a totally undoable diet...GOGOGOGO!